Creative Scotland Funding
At the end of August we celebrated one year in our High Street studio as part of the Meanwhile Spaces project. We must admit it has been a strange and challenging year, but the many difficulties we have faced haven't stopped us from believing in Print Clan. On the contrary they have strengthened our team and pushed us to find ways to improve and adapt our services during Covid-19.
This is how our project proposal for Creative Scotland’s Open Fund was born. Print From Home is a series of online workshops and screen printing kits to get people from different communities in and around Glasgow to feel closer and less isolated.
Last week we got the fantastic news that Creative Scotland would like to fund the Print From Home project in full. Receiving this grant has made us so happy and extremely proud. Our project writer Charlie has kept the whole team involved during the toughest weeks of lockdown and wrote an application that truly captured the ethos of the studio.
Charlie making the team laugh on one of our weekly Zoom meetings
The weekly online meetings to review and discuss the projects have kept us going, giving us purpose during some very difficult times and motivating us to get back in the studio.
Thank you Charlie and everyone on the team.
Now we look forward to taking this project to the people: so watch this space for some exciting new online workshops.